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Soothing Bell


I discovered QHHT during COVID. I had experienced a different hypnosis technique myself which was amazing. But after reading and watching some of Delores Cannon’s work, I quickly understood that the technique she spent years developing was different and, in my opinion, more in-depth. So, I set out to train in QHHT. 

Potential benefits include:

  • Uncover hidden talents and goals

  • Gain greater insight into current challenges and questions

  • Uncover subconscious blocks, hidden phobias or stuck emotions

  • Connect with your higher self to understand challenges and fears

  • Promote greater self-awareness and heal negative habits or thought patterns

QHHT: Developed by Delores Cannon

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a unique and profound healing modality developed by Dolores Cannon, utilizing deep hypnosis to access and explore past lives, higher consciousness, and the subconscious mind. QHHT aims to uncover the root cause of physical, emotional, or spiritual issues by guiding individuals into a deep trance state where they can access their own inner wisdom and healing abilities. Through this process, individuals can gain insights, healing, and a greater understanding of their life's purpose, often experiencing profound transformations, clarity, and resolution of longstanding issues. QHHT seeks to facilitate self-discovery, healing, and personal growth by accessing the limitless wisdom within each individual.

“QHHT achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. Most hypnotists do not work in the Somnambulistic level, either because they don’t have the ability to access this level of trance, or they are way or working the most mysterious level of hypnosis, which can produce unexpected results, such as reliving a past life…"

(Excerpt from the QHHT Website:

Dolores Cannon began her research of sacred knowledge and reincarnation nearly 50 years ago by fine-tuning her QHHT method of hypnosis. By creating a safe and effective method that bypasses the chatter of the conscious mind and focuses on obtaining unlimited information in the Somnambulistic state, Dolores Cannon discovered time travel is possible at any time or place to relive anyone’s past lives.
QHHT is a powerful tool to access that all knowing part of ourselves that has been called The Higher Self, The Oversoul, even the Soul itself. When we incarnate on Earth we forget our previous lives and connection to our souls and The Source. QHHT enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with what she called The Subconscious, since it resides beyond the conscious mind. Dolores’s term The Subconscious, which she later abbreviated to The SC, is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and unlimited ability to heal the physical body. Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The SC reveals the cause and will assist in according to any soul’s particular lessons.”

About me:

I completed QHHT Level I and have a certificate of completion. I am also a Second-Degree Reiki Practitioner. I will not be combining the two modalities during your QHHT sessions though I believe the same Source guides and protects us in both.

I also hold a Bachelors Degree in Metaphysics and Metaphysical Healing which further amplifies my practice and philosophy of healing and attaining a vibrant life can be attained by us all with a deeper connection to Source/God (whatever you believe). To me, this is a universal truth no matter what your religious background is.

I discovered QHHT during COVID. I had experienced a different hypnosis technique myself which was amazing. But after reading and watching some of Delores Cannon’s work, I quickly understood that the technique she spent years developing was different and, in my opinion, more in-depth. So, I set out to train in QHHT. My experience in the training as well as a weekend practicum with an amazing QHHT practitioner further solidified my understanding and belief in this amazing healing technique.


"Quiet the mind and the soul will speak." Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Reach out to me via to schedule an in person appointment in Monument, Colorado location.

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